Tag: Zimmerman
race baiting media?
Is the media all about creating a controversy? If that is true why are they interested in creating discord? This headline took years to surface in the media…. Double standard seen in white man’s killing Critics point to Trayvon Martin case In the days after Trayvon Martin was killed, civil rights leader Jesse Jackson joined…
Zimmerman again in Jail?
So George Zimmerman is again in Jail, but what do you think will happen to this man? Will he be like OJ Simpson will he spend the rest of his life in a prison because of some kind of trumped up charges? Will he be punished by people because they think that he got away…
The truth about Racism in America…
What would happen if you found out that racism were only about what the media decided it was about. What if Racism, were all about Zimmerman but not about when the person that is killed is not Black? Is that racist? Source…
Zimmerman stopped by police was armed
A news story surfaced today about how George Zimmerman was stopped by police and declared a gun. I am sure that the news source that published that article thought it would be a big news story, but in reality its not. If George Zimmerman is in Texas he will not have to worry about carrying…
zimmerman juror breaks rules?
You might wonder about the Juror that came out and made statements about the Zimmerman case. On ABC yesterday there was an instance of “bobble head bias” They had an interview with the Juror, who apparently had second thoughts about her decision. The truth about this left leaning broadcast, was that there were several facts…
Zimmerman Rescue?
Did George Zimmerman actually do something good? Perhaps he did, but it seems interesting that some media outlets only dropped the reference to Zimmerman being a White/Hispanic only for this story, does that make sense at all? Advertisers should be ashamed to advertise on these news companies that play games with the lives of people…
George Zimmerman what the media will not cover…
This video is really interesting not for the reasons you might think, this man has a very sound opinion about life and the Zimmerman case. Warning this video may be intense, but I find the presentation really motivating and intelligent, the media will not cover the truth about America, its not about color, its about…
Zimmerman the man the media made everyone hate.
You see comments on the social media circuit and you would think that George Zimmerman was a serial killer like, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was an American serial killer and sex offender, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal who committed the rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991, To hear…
White house files charges against Zimmerman?
Wow, ok hold your breath now, just when you think that the circus in Washington DC cannot get any Crazier, you see something like this. Is this the America you grew up in?
judge in Zimmerman trial out of order?
Is the judge in the Zimmerman trial mentally unfit for the adjudication of this case? Will Zimmerman be convicted because of the actions of this judge? Is that fair, should a judge be behaving in this way at all? There are some serious questions about the mental health of this judge. The hostile exchange began…