Tag: Mandate

  • tea party too radical?

    Is the tea party getting too radical? The thought sort of crosses your mind, you agree with some of the things they are saying but are they really starting to go too far. Sure the Affordable Care act is a nightmare that has to be fixed or it must be repealed, foreign policy is what…

  • boehner is he really leading?

    You might wonder what the gentle giant of the house is up to and you would be right to be concerned. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) pledged his support Wednesday for the House version of the $940 billion farm bill, roughly 80% of which will go to fund food stamps over the next ten years. What…

  • Negociating with the Devil?

    So, who is really going to win in the financial planning of where America is headed for the next few years. One thing seems clear, The Senate led by the Chief Piper and alleged thief, Harry Reid, is that there has been no budget passed in several years, this has allowed the unbridled, spending that…

  • Finding the right way forward

    During the Election, we heard a lot of talk about moving forward, yet the election results clearly indicates that this nation is divided. At least half the nation disagrees with the other half. Yet, in the great context that is politics, we have a media that are continuing to uphold only one view. In any…

  • Millions of layoffs ahead, 12 percent unemployment

    Many Large Business and CEOs Announced layoffs just days after the election results. Think about how many thousands and thousands of people who will loose their jobs this year before Christmas. That is something that you should carefully consider.  This is a news story that you will not see on regular TV… Does that concern…

  • sold out America?

    Have we been sold out by the republicans in congress, who were elected to do the will of the people. It is a serious problem when those that promise to do the right thing fail to do it, when presented with the chance to make a difference in the world have they betrayed the people…