Some Democrats have suggested that the current President, might be able to “invoke” the 14th Amendment, to try and destroy the American Economy?
What? That sounds like the actions of a traitor to the constitution.
An Enemy of the people?
Is it possible that someone might try to subvert the will of the American people in favor of a dictatorial regime?
It sounds like the plot to a very bad movie, but some really strange people allegedly on CNN are advocating that this might be possible to mint two one trillion dollars coins and deposit them into the Federal Reserve, (allegedly) That sounds like treason, and it is unconstitutional, illegal and immoral.
What are they smoking up there, because I would say that I want some but you know what I don’t, because then I would loose what little common sense I have left. This is about the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. This is not the American way it is not constitutional and it is not the way that we do business.
If you think the economy is bad now, try this, mint two trillion dollars coins and watch as the value of the dollar is devalued until the banks have to close its doors think that is scary, my friends, the 14 Amendment is not the answer here, a balanced budget is the answer and it is the only answer.
We cannot just print money, we cannot just assign a value to a valueless coin,
this is pure evil and it is treachery in its most horrible form.
The truth here is that we have to live within our means, that means, reducing our spending habits, that is just the way it is, and likely that means getting out of some of the wars that we are actively engaged in right now.
It means abiding by the constitution, and perhaps it means that some people will need to take a cut in pay.