Tag: Banks

  • HUD scams?

    So, you want to buy a house and you have a good credit score… The idea of homeownership has long been one that many americans have all but given up on. These days there are hundreds of thousands of homes on the market.   However there is a Catch 22 situation going on.  Most of these…

  • occupy hippies?

    You just cant make this kind of stuff up… This is why so many people are out of work… This is why banks are failing… This is why we have close to 15 percent unemployment in many cities.

  • Taxes taxes

    Could it be that easy, fundamentally changing the Tax system, and eliminating the reams of paperwork required every year, I suspect you might save a nation of trees, by doing this.  Yet, it seems as if the politicians do not want to do anything to change the way things are. If you think about it…

  • Credit Card Instant Approval

    Is it really possible to get an instant approval any more? Basically this is a computerized method where they take into account a mathematical formula, and if you just happen to meet the pre-configured criteria, then you might, accidentally get approved?  Perhaps, however there may be more to this story than meets the eye.  …

  • white house sues banks stock market crashes

    They say for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action… Make sense, sure, and why not, was it not one of the smartest men Albert Einstein, who developed that? Sure and it makes sense, wall street does not like it when they are treated like dogs, you know its true yet, what they…

  • White House Sues Banks

    In what could be the most alleged, “Bone headed” move in History, it is alleged, that the White House plans to sue several banks over the Freddie and Fannie Fiasco, which resulted in huge losses, for both Freddie and Fannie as well as the Public which bailed them out, then the banks were bailed out…

  • hope and change

    So how is that hope and change working out for you, with foreclosures at an all time high in fact so many foreclosures are now in process, that many banks have gone out of business, because they allegeldy could not keep up with all the paperwork, amazing I know but I wonder how this young…

  • Steve Forbes attacks Social Security?

    IN a fox news story, this morning Steve Forbes seems to be making an argument that those that are sick and disabled do not deserve to have benefits paid out from social security when they paid into the system and paid for the insurance, so what is going on with this type of mentality, well…

  • Media Bias, Media Ignorance?

    Is the media being fair in its coverage of this news story? Many people would like the answer to that question because it appears that they are making a lot out of nothing, is there really nothing else on to talk about? Is the media becoming the new threat to the American Dream? This headline,…

  • The Blame Game

    Who is at fault or how can we fix it, which type of American are you? Is this a blame thing, should we be trying to blame someone else? A lot of people wonder what is going to happen next. So what are we going to do, is bush to blame for this too? Who…