We know a few things about the past, it is easier to see clearly once a thing becomes a part of the past, you can easily identify where you went wrong, where you made that wrong turn. The thing is we know that Tax and Spend economics does not work. For those politicians living in Washington it is far too easy to tax the people and spend the money. Mostly because it has no value to them, (the politicians that is) So you might think that the number one thing on the minds of our most powerful leaders might be how to stop the abusive behavior of taxing and spending or should we say wasting all the money they can get their hands on? Perhaps who knows, the thing here is simple, the first thing that this congress did was not to work on a budget. Even though the last two congressional sessions did not do that.
What they did was introduce 8 Anti Gun Amendments, even though it is now clear that if that school were not a “Gun Free Zone” It is far more likely that the crazed mental patient that should have been, would have been the only person to die that day, that was the real news story, one that you did not hear in the news media. That is the truth, it was a Gun Free Zone, right, do you get that? But when it counted, the truth became clear the only person with a gun that day was the bad guy, the crazy guy the one that would murder children that was the person that had the gun, the police too far too long to get there, was not organized when they did get there, was not sure what was going on, when they got there and was unable to prevent the tragedy. Now, tell me how the police saved the day here? Sadly they did not and there is one simple reason why they were unsuccessful at that duty, the school had no protection. Tell me why do we protect judges better than our children? What is that about, you cannot go into a single courthouse in this nation, (most of them anyway) and not be subject to search, metal detectors, and guess what there have only been a few incidents, only a few, and there were not that many people hurt or killed. So when you see and hear these ignorant Wonky, yes, Stupid people tell you that we need to get rid of all the weapons, think again, because we now know the truth, the police cannot help, only Good Guys, with Guns Can Stop Bad Guys… That is the truth anything else is a lie…