Romney and Obama?

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[kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main size=”45″ color=”#000″ ]Election 2012..[/kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main]

Would we be better off with an Oromney?

or how about Robomney it makes little difference because what Romney is should be plain to most people…

Well, folks, there is a difference between these two candidates, and you might be surprised to learn that there is an election that will happen in 2012, because the liberal, biased treasonous, 

Media, would have you believe that there is no need to have an election because they control you minds…

Sounds fantastic sure, like science fiction, but when you listen to some of the bobble heads on the news.

You might start to think that no one can beat Obama, that Obama will win because everyone else is not
good enough to be president.

The reason you might be wondering about an election is that the media have cast such a biased light upon the process that if you listen to the mindless droning of the media, no one can beat Obama, but what about the candidates, can Mitt Romney really do much good?

What if a vote for Romney now is the same thing as a vote for Obama?

Sure, why not, Mitt Romney is the “Richest Rich man” to run for president.

Ron Paul, has run for president so many times that no one knows how old he is, (allegedly)

Newt Gingrich, has personality issues, (allegedly)
he is a nice and smart guy, but has an attitude problem, (allegedly)


So that leaves, Rick Perry, which the media have not ceased to trash at every opportunity.

Including the so called Fair and Balanced Fox news company, the truth is that when I hear the media trashing out a candidate based on their own poor little petty feelings, I think I am interested in learning more about that candidate, because the media thinks they know it all.

But they really know nothing.

The truth to the media is a lie.

So how can you tell if the media is lying to you, well thats not hard to figure out when ever spittle starts flying from their lips, which is likely every day, when you here those snide remarks designed to belittle a candidate, when you see the way they distort and bend the truth to make it sound like the candidate has done something bad.

You know they are lying.

So, yes, I like Rick Perry for president, because the media does not like rick perry and the media is part of the problem in this nation, the media is part of the problem.

While we might wish we could just shut them up, that would not be freedom.

What we can do is to stop buying products that are advertised.

WE can do that…