Tag: Ron Paul
Ron Paul Disgrace
This Election year we saw something that few will forget I know as a former supporter of Ron Paul I will not forget what he did this year by not releasing his delegates, it was not a very good thing to do more so when you consider that his son may someday want to garner…
Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich, Ron Paul
Can any of these candidates actually win? if the liberal media thinks they can win look for a lot of negative press on them… If the liberal media thinks they will loose look for positive press on that candidate. If you trust the media then the answer is no one can win except for Obama?…
The Cant Win List
Can anyone win against the media? Update, It is becoming very clear that Mitt Romney is not able to become president… In fact if you listen to the media and you actually believe all the trash they shovel on a daily basis, no one can win… Yes the media continue to give lavish coverage…
Ron Paul gets irate?
Well in an interview with one of the blonds on Fox news this morning, this particular girl, tends to ask some silly questions, (allegedly) and it is frustrating, to hear someone make a well really “Stupid” statement it is like a waste of time for the viewer and the person being interviewed. The topic here…
Will Ron Paul derail
Will Ron Paul derail the chance for the republicans to win if he chooses to run as an independent? It is possible but you have to wonder if the man really loves this country and respects the process, (if you dont win as a republican) The idea that you can get a second chance as…
What if?
What if we are all wrong? What if every one is wrong and President Obama is right? When you think about it, what if the White House is right and everyone else in the world is wrong? The economy is a big thing, just imagine if the Mississippi river represented the economy of the United…
Romney and Obama?
[kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main size=”45″ color=”#000″ ]Election 2012..[/kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main] Would we be better off with an Oromney? or how about Robomney it makes little difference because what Romney is should be plain to most people… Well, folks, there is a difference between these two candidates, and you might be surprised to learn that there is an election that will…
Ron Paul unelectable…
Is Ron Paul not electable? Is the Left leaning Media trying to unduly influence the outcome of a political election? Perhaps you may remember the election where Ross Perot, caused an upset in an election cycle by splitting the vote of one party allowing the democrats to sweep into a victory. Allegedly Ron Paul could…
Ron Paul did what?
This is just crazy and weird, The Allegedly Liberal run Media CNN, is trying to get people to take Ron Paul seriously even though he has NO Chance of winning, period, end of campaign, he cannot win, so why is the media trying to make it seem like he could? Simple really they want us…