Tag: Lips

  • Romney and Obama?

    [kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main size=”45″ color=”#000″ ]Election 2012..[/kc_heading_pac_2_headline_main] Would we be better off with an Oromney? or how about Robomney it makes little difference because what Romney is should be plain to most people… Well, folks, there is a difference between these two candidates, and you might be surprised to learn that there is an election that will…

  • Let them Eat Cake?

    In this famous or infamous quote, the person that made it eventually lost their head, literally. Is this what the liberals are all about, would they be like that? Watch what they do not what they say because they are not telling the truth, as the old joke says, if their lips are moving… They…

  • blumenthal the truth behind the lies

    Jokes politics and immaturity… One thing on this story is disturbing, well OK perhaps more than one thing, it is disturbing that there may be people serving in our state government that are not only immature, but have problems with the truth, ok, yes, ok, so what is new about that, well for one thing,…