Rick Perry

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Can Rick Perry win against the biased media.

Can we ever elect another president if the Media does not back off and get out of the election process?

If you believe what the allegedly very biased media says, then you may not be very well informed, in fact just about every media source out there is in the state of constant agitation, about Rick Perry, they seem to not like him, and they seem to have no problem telling anyone who will listen that they don’t like him.

The real question here is this, “Does the media even know what they are talking about?”

Some things never change, but one thing seems interesting the media does not like Rick Perry, and that includes the so called Fair and balanced, Fox news channel.

Over the last few weeks it has been a non stop onslaught, on Rick Perry, but the one thing that the allegedly biased media have forgotten is that when you say that you don’t like someone you should also be prepared to say why… Tonight I heard, the fox news bobble heads continue their biased attack against Rick Perry, yet none of the fox news bobble heads gave one good reason, or any reason for that matter why they think that Rick Perry is not doing well.

When I hear people saying they think that a candidate is finished, but they do not say why they think that, I have to wonder what they do think because when they do not provide any evidence to support the way their opinions.

So when you think about it that way, what about that is fair or balanced?

When you see this kind of media bias you have to wonder, why the media seem to be so intent on influencing the primary elections, it seems clear that the media want to push Mitt Romney as the leader for the republican primary,  and it really looks like Mitt is yet another John McCain and we all know how that one turned out.

There are some in the GOP that want a moderate they somehow feel that if they comprimise on the core values of the conservative majority, that they have a better chance of winning, the problem with this is that there are only 20 percent of the voting population that are liberal, so trying to play games like pushing Mitt Romney is not going to work because Mitt Romney cannot win, some of those people know this and yet they still keep trying. 

Rick Perry may not be perfect, but he is more qualified than a two time loosing candidate. 

Mitt Romney has tried and failed to win nomination two times before this and he will fair this time too, simply because he is not qualified to be president, why you may ask would he not make a good president, well the reason is simple, he is a career politician, though he likes to say that he has worked mostly in the private sector, the truth is that he has been running for office for a long time and he has been preparing for 
running for many years.

We do not need yet another career politician.  

What we need is a man who can represent real Americans, and people that are so rich that they cannot understand what it is like to have to put just enough gas into the tank so that you dont run out of gas and still have enough money to pay for some food. 

That is the kind of man we need running this nation someone that can understand what it is like to struggle to pay the bills and someone who knows how to change a tire, because they have had to in the past.  Until we find a candidate that can do the right thing for Americans then we will all be slaves to the biased media.