Tag: John Mccain

  • Trumpeting the Trumpster

    Well, it appears that Donald Trump may have had some information that many did not have when he criticized John McCain in a recent Televised event where most of the context of the Audio was cut out. Even Fox news never showed the full context of the comments that were instantly made controversial. The thing…

  • Back Room Deals Dooming the Republic?

    Are we being sold out by politicians? Source, You might have heard that Senate Republicans “saved” the filibuster yesterday. But thanks to a reported backroom deal between John McCain and Harry Reid, the filibuster wound up effectively being a dead letter against the nominations in question. As I’ve told you, Harry Reid was threatening to…

  • Gun Control is McCain on the right side?

          We think that we can do things that common sense tells us is impossible and the truth is that we know for sure that only law abiding citizens actually obey the law. John McCain should be retiring and we should thank him for his service. The truth is Gun control makes no…

  • Constitutional Crisis Gun Control evil Harry Reid.

    Now imagine this, you have a man in the Senate that has not had the Balls to put a budget to a vote and allow it to pass for more than four years but he wants to pass an unconstitutional Gun control Law. This is very important. Stand up for your rights and vote in…

  • This Great Nation

      [kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”25″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Moss Back or Fresh you decide..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1]   A nation is only as good as its people and those that stand up to lead in times of great crisis great leaders are not only needed but they are expected to do the right thing.  A great leader is a man or a woman…

  • On Feeding Alligators

     Update, folks, Finally it appears that the Politicians have heard from the American People, its hard to believe and harder to imagine. [kc_heading_pac_17_headline_main_12 size=”40″ color=”#333333″ ]Sick of Political HACKS?..[/kc_heading_pac_17_headline_main_12]   Today I received an email with a very thoughtful examination of what is going on in the congress while we struggle to manage our finances our congress…

  • McCain Betrayed us?

    Did John McCain end up doing the wrong thing at the wrong time, and did the media have everything to do with why we are in this mess now?   John McCain, has been up in the Senate allegedly for far too long and he does not represent the values that America was born with,…

  • mitt romney cannot win period

    Are we about to see a repeat of the poor showing of John McCain in the 2008 election? Is the Media playing a game of Psychology in trying to influence the 2012 election by providing favorable coverage for mitt romney then later allegedly all they need to do is to just withdraw that support and…

  • Why the Media likes Mitt Romney

    The Media seems to like Mitt Romney just like they liked John McCain. Remember that? Yes, we all do because, If John McCain were president now, we would not be in the dire conditions that were are in, our nation would be respected. We would not have the high number of lost jobs… We would…

  • Rick Perry

    Can Rick Perry win against the biased media. Can we ever elect another president if the Media does not back off and get out of the election process? If you believe what the allegedly very biased media says, then you may not be very well informed, in fact just about every media source out there…