Blago who is right?

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Is Blago innocent of the Rabid, liberals charges?

Should A mans EGO be more important than the truth and justice?

could he be right, could he really be innocent?

Should tax payers have to pay the blago retrial.

Will the tax payers of Illinois want to pay out millions and millions of dollars that could be going toward a large city deficit, to be paid out to harass a man into the grave.

We have to ask this question is one mans Ego worth millions of dollars of tax money during a time where if all indications are correct we are about to head into the most difficult time in this nations history.

Should we be pursuing another trial, here when people are hungry.

People are out of work…

Blago Blago Blago, so what is next for the guy that took on city hall and won…

Is blago really a bad guy? or is he just like most of the politicians that get elected?

This is a game that most every politician plays at one time or another, did blagojevich do anything differently than anyone that has ever come before him?

Well allegedly he has a foul mouth, (perhaps he knew he was being recorded and thought they would not be able to really play the tapes) who knows for sure, one thing may be clear there are many more others, and if the state of Ill wants to keep on with this deal they need to start going after all the other crooks in office out there, because they would have a full time job just in Chicago alone, (allegedly)

You know it is really sort of funny that the state of ill is spending all this money trying to prove that the last three governors are crooks, is that not just the dumbest thing you have ever hear of?