Category: bad health care

  • MailChimp conflict of interest?

    Mail Chimp for those that might not know who or what this small company actually is all about is a company sort of like constant contact only a lot smaller with less consumer functional features. Basically they are an email communication and or marketing company that sells access to difficult to use software access to…

  • North Carolina race heats up

    The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters.  source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…

  • Ebola Threat

    Ebola as you know has been a big factor in the news coverage over the last two months, however it is even more disturbing with the latest news.  Texas worker tests positive for Ebola, U.S. airports start screening source.  Could the hospital that refused life saving treatment, (allegedly)  be responsible for this outbreak? Could they…

  • Harry Reid forgets?

    Recently Harry made the news when he attempted to tell the entire world that everyone that said they experienced Obama Care problems were Liars.  Why do we have these people in office, they would likely be happier in a home anyway, so why do they just keep on, when they so long ago stopped representing…

  • Medicare Advantage Cuts?

    What are you telling me that Medicare Advantage Plans which were introduced in 2004 or perhaps earlier are being CUT up and bended, folded and mutilated. Actually this is true but what is even more interesting is that back in 2010 insurance companies quietly began to Gut the Medicare Advantage plans… So while a lot…

  • Abolish the IRS?

    Can anyone say that the IRS serves a purpose beyond the idea that somehow the Rich pay less taxes than what they would pay if there was not an IRS? “I think there’s a major opportunity, given the scandal at the IRS, to really get at trying to abolish that agency,” Miller told FOX Business’…

  • The Ultimate Double Standard

     Finding out what the truth is can be very hard to do.  Imagine for a moment that a corrupt media standard has led to what could be the most difficult problem ever to be examined under the light of day. An organization that is a reminder that Taxation without Representation is still in the Constitution.…

  • The rapture

    Well in case you have not been watching the news today and several hundred billboards and posters all over the place, then you know that a prediction made by a 89 year old elderly man who you could easily say allegedly was a little senile, but the real story here is not the end of…

  • Arnold, and the end of days movie.

    With the prediction of the end of days, being the result of an elderly man who allegedly is likely senile, much of the media is contending in ways that would seem to be hostile to all Christians, which is sort of disappointing. Really I guess with everything that is going on in the world when…

  • Cry Baby Unions?

    Sounds sort of funny, I mean, when you see members that are paid way more than others for the same positions yet they cry like little children over a few benefits that most of us will never even see, yes sure unions can be good but. Are all unions like this? The answer is No,…