Category: bad health care

  • Shut down Washington

    Is it time to Shut them down and Vote them out of office? This is the time to figure out what the deal is… Time to figure out who is telling the truth and who is a liar… If this is not the hope and change you voted for it is time to vote them…

  • shut down of 1995

    So wait this is not the first time this has happened, but do we not know our own history? Or is it due to faulty reporting by so called fair and balanced reporters? So what is up with the lack of coverage on this topic? Why is the Media not covering this news story, is…

  • Is this the end?

    Will we survive a Government shut down, some say yes, others say no, but if history has anything to say about it, we know this has happened before, so what is up with all the fear mongering, and who is really at the bottom of all the drama.

  • Why Liberals just dont get it.

    Have you ever come in contact with someone that cannot agree on anything, even when the sky is obviously blue? For some reason which 93 percent of the population cannot understand, liberals behave in a different manner than ordinary citizens, we do not understand how anyone could play games with the tragic events that occurred…

  • Freedom of Speech is now Un American

    Thanks, for all the memories, now its time to pack your bags, and you know what is really funny, these clowns up in DC still dont get it, they have not figured out anything at all. They are still just as stupid, (allegedly) as they were before, electing Nancy P again, when it is obvious…

  • Change you can believe in

    Crazy yet allegedly it is true, so why and more importantly why would you want to do this. Billions in Wasted money… Millions of jobs lost forever. Ban on Oil Drilling equals price of gas going up and up and up. This is the change you voted for or is this something else? In 2008…

  • Time magazine American-phobic?

    Do you like liberals and biased media? Why do they think we are not smart enough to figure out how twisted liberals really are? Do you like being called names? Do you buy this magazine, a publication that openly insults you to your face? Would you? Foolish, Foolish, Foolish when will they ever learn… This…

  • health care by nancy p

  • We support Christine O’donnell

    Visit her face book website, and learn the truth that the liberal biased new media does not want you to learn. Facebook Twitter Spread the word, even if you cant afford to donate anything at all, spread the word perhaps a friend can help, we are helping out this courageous young lady to get her…

  • Bill oreilly insults Republicians, Sarah Palin and Pot smokers…

    You know what, Ol Bill is just not the same… Lying with wolves, or should that be dancing with wolves, or wait, its a tree, no its a plane no its super man, ok, yes, we all know this is a joke right, but you know it really seems like Bill is no longer a…