You know what, Ol Bill is just not the same…
Lying with wolves, or should that be dancing with wolves, or wait, its a tree, no its a plane no its super man, ok, yes, we all know this is a joke right, but you know it really seems like Bill is no longer a no spin zone thing, he has over the last four months steadily moved over the the left, I guess so he can keep getting invited to those nice posh dinners at the white house.
Must be nice, to sell out so cheaply.
Why is Fox news, allegedly, moving to the left when the rest of the United States is moving to the right?
Because we want to know.
Where is Bill? Is he ok? We are concerned, because he has been gone a long time.
So what is up with Good ol Billy boy, is he, now spinning but ignoring the story?
Seems like the no spin zone now just ignores a story they do not want you to know about…
Is Bill Oreilly slipping in ratings? Over the last few weeks it appears that the no spin zone is sort of taking a back seat to
a more liberal appearance, we have to ask is bill ok?
What is going on over at Fox News, is the White house right about them not really being a news company?
Because of what might be an alleged unfounded and outright spin, (lie)
a liberal Spin, on the No Spin Zone, what is going on with Bill, has he lost it?
WE want to know where did Bill Oreilly get the information published on last nights broadcast?
We want to know how the no spin zone put this out there, this is an insult to pot smokers, LOL
What company was involved in the poll?
Was it a Fair Poll?
Number one here is why is not Fox news covering this story?
Last night I observed a very unfair and really Nasty thing, I thought that it was the no spin zone,
but you know what, last night that ended for me.
I just dont get this, because this was so obviously biased and it was uncalled for and it was not funny.
You know usually I like Bill, oreilly but over the last few weeks I have begun to like the program less and less. Today there was a very unfair comparison done where an alleged, poll was purported to have been done which likened Republicans that liked Sarah Palin to Pot smokers…
This was really not fair in any way, Polls are suspect, in fact most of the polls today are not even accurate.
This includes Rasmussen, reports, which statistically regularly conducts polls that are not very accurate.
But I rather suspect that Rasmussen reports would not touch that particular report with a ten foot pole.
Here is the really bad part, first, polls are notorious for not being accurate, just ask any professional and you can be certain of three things, any personal information generally will not be communicated.
1. This means that if you ask someone if they ever smoked pot, they will tell you no, unless its Bill then he might say he never inhaled, but don’t try that because no one will believe it.
2. If you ask someone about their sex lives, they are not going to tell you the truth.
3. if you ask someone if they ever committed a crime, again they are not going to tell you the truth.
So What we have here is a Lie, plain and simple, and on top of that it was done on national TV,
Fox news owes, Republicans an Apology.
Fox news owes, Sarah Palin an Apology.
Fox news owes, Pot smokers an Apology.
The person responsible for this should be fired.
Before this I was almost sure that Fox news was fair, but you know what I dont feel that way any longer.