Will you vote or will you do nothing…

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There is a time when good men will stand up and vote, this year not only will much depend upon the voter but also the message that you want to send, you may not be a republican, but if you consider yourself an American there is only one choice.

You hear the chanting of the often crazy talk of those that would enslave you they want to scare you with talk of chaining you up.

But you know the truth, they say things like Romney will be the worst president, (but what proof do they have?)

When you do more than listen to what they are saying you have to come to the conclusion that what they are saying makes no sense at all.

I was in line behind a guy a while back and he said something that really made me wonder about him and what he was doing, he was talking on a cell phone and telling someone at the other end of that conversation that they had better be getting all this political money, that he was racking up thousands of dollars posting in online forums, and posting on blogs, this guy was about 400 lbs, and was cashing checks at a check casher.

This is the guy that sits in him mothers basement in his underwear arguing with people about stupid things and saying nasty things about good people.

This is the guy, that you hate, because he has sold his soul for money.

The truth here is clear if you love America you know who to vote for if you love a Europe style government, vote for the socialists.

The one big problem you need to consider is simply this during the second World War, had it not been for America, those people over there would have laid down and kissed the mans boots while he shoveled their children into the grave.

But America came and sacrificed greatly of its blood and its people and the steel of many ships.

So you can sit in your house and not vote or you can think that there will be plenty of other people out there to help represent you while you sit on your couch and do nothing…

Our fathers fathers and our fore fathers, sacrificed much for this great nation, can you not get off the couch and Vote.