Well here we are just a few more days until its time to vote the clowns out of office that sit now in the Senate and have failed to pass a budget for three years, (probably a record for sure and for sure those that have failed to do their duty should have a record to remember in the future)
So, now we have these so called “Teachers” who look like a group of alleged fanatical wackos, than they do actual teachers, but why has the media ignored the real story here?
Likely its because they are also union, the media that is, its really interesting to watch the special interests play their games and no one reports on the real news story…
So, since Bill Hemmer and Martha Wa Wa, failed to allegedly cover the news story this morning here it is…
What about the Kids, do we really need teachers that care less about the children that they are supposed to be teaching and more about how much money they make which by all accounts is more than the average.
So really whats up here, do these people think that they are doing such a bang up job that they deserve a raise.
What about performance teaching, you know actually produce real life class room results and get paid for that result.
Because if this school system is half as messed up as other Union facilities are across this once great nation then they would own the state of Illinois, money not the other way around. They say teachers work hard, they do great work, ok great Prove it, I want to see the results, I want to see how many actually graduated then went to college and excelled…
That is the true test of how well a teacher performs, you know what I am sick and tired of these people who think that they are owed everything while doing allegedly nothing to earn that money.
Its time for performance pay, or no pay at all.
You want a 60 percent Raise, increase your students performances by 60 percent and then you can get your raise.
But this is all rather stupid if you think about it these so called alleged teachers really should all be fired and replaced with teachers that want to teach and will do the job for which they have been hired not walk the street dressed like alleged street walkers, its offensive and its dumb, but that is what we have come to expect from Chicago