Without Tax reform we may have a second great depression?
We must have tax reform, how hard is that to do?
There are many different, types of plans that can make taxes simple, after all should it not
be easy to do?If Washington is Corrupt and they refuse to do the right thing
then it is time to vote them out.This one may not be the best, but you could certainly
create a simple taxing method that saves the tax payers billions.
Anyone making under 30,000.00 pays no Federal Income taxes Simple.
Anyone making over 30,000.00 pays 10 percent
Anyone making between 35,000 to 55,000 pays 12 percent.
55,000 to 250,000 pays 15 percent.
250,000 to 750,000 20 percent.
Simple right, so why is it so hard to figure out how this works?
or you could just develop a simple sliding scale, for both corporate and individuals how hard is that?
the thing here is this they do not want to make these changes because they have all been bought and paid for by special interests, they have been purchased with gold and silver.
They do not want to be exposed for who they are puppets controlled by their masters…
The problem we all face is that we have corrupt politicians, that make decisions based on what small groups of people want them to do, they do not make decisions in the common interest of the American people.