Politizing death…

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It is a shame on the media and certain websites that have attempted to blame politics for the shooting tragedy that shook the country this Saturday, it is difficult to believe when you see politics being used in the death of Americans.

When you see headlines that blame this terrible tragedy on all manner of political motivated unknown outcomes, even DHS has issued an alleged memo that seems to link this to an anti Semitic, group, this is reckless and unprofessional.

When People have died and news agencies try to blame popular political pundits, instead of the person who allegedly did the crime.

Yesterday Sheppard Smith allowed an Arizona state Senator to openly talk about the Tea Party, he then did nothing to refute or rebuff the horrible statement made by Lopez, when you do nothing in a situation like that you are inviting shame on your profession.

To Politicize, the deaths and wounded Americans in this way is not only sick but perhaps these people need to be removed from office, when her fellow citizens had been gunned down in cold blood, the state senator could only think about politics?

We have to wonder what they were thinking about because the welfare of the people of Arizona certainly and allegedly was not on their list.

Fox news was not the only ones, guilty of this there was others news companies that allowed similar statements to be made on the internet and on TV, there was a lot of speculation about this news story, if the shooter was this, if the shooter listened to Rush Limbaugh, if the shooter listened, to Shawn Hannity, What about Sarah Palin?

Some even tried to say that Sarah Palin was responsible, what a nasty bunch of people.

When an Angel Lay Dead, in the Hospital, these horrible people were on the internet “talking trash” and using this as a political subject, when they knew nothing they were all talking about this or that. Now we know, the young man was mentally ill.

Does that excuse him of his actions, no of course not he should be made to pay for them.

But to try and politicize his actions where none existed, it is a shame on the media for what they did in poor reporting and discussing theory and allowing others to do so as well, it makes you sick to see this kind of thing on TV.

But if you want to know the truth the motive, appears to be that this young man was mentally ill, nothing political at all.

Yet you see this on Yahoo news, Tucson rampage casts light on toxic political tone

What, that is the news story you want to put on Yahoo news?

This kind of thing is wrong and should not stand, people died, because there was no security detail for a federal judge in public, there was no security detail for a congresswoman, it is a sad thing, but it could have been prevented had there been security.

That is the bottom line, here not any political story, or any political blame game.

Yahoo news should be ashamed of what they are doing.

When you do this type of thing you further the cause of the left and the right, it is wrong and it should stop.