Category: acorn

  • North Carolina race heats up

    The biggest races in the US senate contest may be in North Carolina. The most expensive election campaign in the history of North Carolina elections has been a huge contention among some voters.  source North Carolina Sen. Kay Hagan is sitting on the most expensive hot seat in Senate history. Spending in her Senate race…

  • Voter ID laws are constitutional

    We need Voter ID because it is the only fair way to have an election. Anyone that cannot get a FREE voter ID card, can get one, (but we say that there are only a few people who actually do not have one already)

  • Medicare Advantage Cuts?

    What are you telling me that Medicare Advantage Plans which were introduced in 2004 or perhaps earlier are being CUT up and bended, folded and mutilated. Actually this is true but what is even more interesting is that back in 2010 insurance companies quietly began to Gut the Medicare Advantage plans… So while a lot…

  • Democracy?

    Perhaps you have heard some people talk about how were a democracy, but that is not the truth at all. Thomas Jefferson “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%” James Madison “Democracy was the right of the people to choose…

  • Make my Day, Clint Eastwood

    Imagine a day when a man can express his opinion in a good way that no only communicates the truth but also does it in a humorous way? One thing about it, if the liberal clowns think that the 82 year old actor and director cares what they think they are sadly mistaken. It was…

  • 978

    Will you some day soon find that your child may be charged with a felony for watching a video on That could happen if we do not call our senators and congressman on this issue, it is a horrible bill and you should really have a long look at the senators that have sponsored…

  • Media makes fun of Christian Beliefs?

    Why is it that the media feels like they can make fun of the religious beliefs of Millions of people all over the world? We do understand that the gentleman was an elderly man who likely was not able to accurately speak for himself however we know that this was true, did the media not…

  • The rapture

    Well in case you have not been watching the news today and several hundred billboards and posters all over the place, then you know that a prediction made by a 89 year old elderly man who you could easily say allegedly was a little senile, but the real story here is not the end of…

  • Cry Baby Unions?

    Sounds sort of funny, I mean, when you see members that are paid way more than others for the same positions yet they cry like little children over a few benefits that most of us will never even see, yes sure unions can be good but. Are all unions like this? The answer is No,…

  • Whoppi Race Card?

    Well you just never know or do you, the idea is that everyone is a racist but in politics people are bound to disagree, is that not just part of what it means to be human, it is not always about race. So why is it so easy to do this?