Gun Control Ban…

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The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill?

Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right?

The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,)

Could be so foolish as to publish such a stupid bit of Gossip…

Is the CDC full of Liars now?

Are they really so corrupted that they can no longer be trusted?

Could everyone be mentally ill in some way or another?

What would happen if they suggested that because you drink alcohol that you are mentally ill.

What if they decided that if you are 20 pounds overweight that you have an eating disorder and so you are now mentally ill…

Think about that for a moment, is the CDC out of control?

Should they be funded by the tax payers when they are so messed up that they cannot distinguish between human behavior that is normal and behavior that is not normal?

Is the CDC completely corrupted and no longer trust worthy?

There are many issues that need to be examined about the CDC because it is beginning to appear that they are not acting in the best interest of the American People or the Tax payers who supply them with an almost unlimited amount of money for funding these ignorant and stupid things that do not have the truth backing them up or any facts at all to support the bull pucky they are floating.

So what does all this information tell you about the CDC?

Could they be politically biased and compromised?

Find out even more…

Who decides who is mentally ill? Your and my definition likely differs from those who are eyeing this as the path to confiscation. Once there is a legal path to any type of confiscation, such as outlined above, the flood gates will open. While it likely starts with those taking prescription medications with known psychotic side effects, it will then expand to almost all that are on medications for psychological reasons, including depression (even seasonal SAD). A small segment of the gun owning population will lose their firearms as they are demonized by the media for objecting to such actions.

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