Tag: Best Interest

  • Gun Control Ban…

    The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill? Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right? The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,) Could be so foolish as to publish such a…

  • hyperinflation?

    It may sound like a bad movie, but this stuff is scary… The day the dollar died may be getting close, beware and be prepared for what will happen if congress does not act in the best interest of the American people. you just have to wonder what these children are doing up there, are…

  • moving to the middle

    Some say that the current president may be incapable of moving to the middle like president Bill Clinton did which resulted in a growth in the economy and a budget surplus, so what does that mean, if you had a man that was poised on a bridge and he said I have two choices, I…

  • Harry Reid repsonsible?

    Is the answer to the woes of the Stock market sitting upon the desk of Harry Reid? Could Harry Reid have prevented the stock market crash and the downgrade of the US credit rating? In one word, Yes, he could have but he wanted to be allegedly biased and partisan. He did not act in…

  • The coming Crisis will it be averted?

    It may seem hard to understand why democrats want to make the mistake of stopping the only thing in the last two years that may actually work to help the economy and improve job creation. If they do not want help the US then what do they want to do? Are there people trying to…

  • AARP remember what they did to you?

    You have to wonder about a company that would rather spend millions and millions of dollars in advertising and damage control over a stupid PR move than to come out and admit that they made a mistake. That is pride sure and simple something that old folks understand or do they? Just the way it…

  • Obama administration scores a win

    Well one thing for sure, when they do something right we want to report it, and they did by filing an appeal against a rather ignorant lawsuit allegedly brought by the ACLU, which was about enemy combatants having legal rights in other countries, ignorant for real, and the judge that ruled, for this action, should…