Tag: Segment

  • Gun Control Ban…

    The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill? Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right? The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,) Could be so foolish as to publish such a…

  • CNN Evil Cowards?

       Did CNN allow a know nothing coward to cast political aspersions with no evidence or even probable cause to believe what they were saying. What was the evidence they had, what was the experience factor of this man who made this accusation?  Why did CNN allow this to go out on the air at…

  • subjective lie detector

    The idea that you have on one hand a very subjective analysis that is not an acceptable method of detecting a lie, because the process is subjective. The Ultimate Catch 22 This idea that if a lie detector test is subjectively failed, according to a subjective opinion, yet at the same time, if a lie…

  • Fox news not real news?

    Is fox news failing to meet the expectation of the consumer of hard news? The idea that the 24 hour news cycle and its expected influence on voting habits of adult voters, is highly unlikely. Today we noticed that during a fox news segment, that one of the bobble heads that do the news, either…

  • Fox and Friends not really about hard news?

    Ok this morning we got up and had some coffee and then we wanted to catch up on the news, you know the real stories of the day, what is happening in the flood revenged states, what is going on over in the areas where fighting continues every day. But Fox and friends, let the…