Tag: Cdc
ebola missed at hospital?
Many are very concerned with the idea that Ebola has been spread and the one chance that the CDC had to contain the infection was missed because of a dysfunctional Emergency room. Make no mistake, this could be a serious problem not only because of our problematic health care system but because of the many…
ebola in america?
Can it be that we are seeing something that is a direct result of fools who are not engaging in the practices of medicine. They are representing themselves to be doctors but they are not practicing as a doctor should. Today the CDC announced the unthinkable. Ebola in America and the emergency room where the…
Gun Control Ban…
The CDC has come out with a report that suggests that half of America is Mentally ill? Wow, that is some kind of scientific poll right? The very idea that the CDC (which by the way is a little off balance here on this news report,) Could be so foolish as to publish such a…