Democrats have no direction?

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What is going on when in a debate the best that democrats can come up with is to laugh at the most important issues of this election.  

That is a huge problem, one that cannot be solved by laughter.

Joe Biden did not come prepared to debate he came to insult the American People, he came to laugh at the most important problems of our time, he came to silence and interrupt, he did not come to debate at all and the results show that what he did was not the American way at all.


Joe Biden yet another reason to vote Republican this November…

America watched in horror last night as one man interrupted the other some 92 times this is not debate.

It is sad and it is insulting to Americans all over the world who had to put up with a failing presidency and a failing vice presidency. 

You can make a difference, you can vote.

Vote in November it is the only thing that will make a difference, send a message to Washington we will not stand for behavior like Joe Biden showed last night it is a shame on American values.

We are not like them…

We are the people, we are America, we are the voters, we are the business owners, we are the plumbers, the electricians, the people that build the roads, we collect the truth and we are not about lies, its time to send a clear message to Washington, its time for real hope and change.