Tag: American Values

  • Media on Trial Malice and Intent to destroy

    There are some serious problems in our society. Media Guilty of Malice… What would happen if the media were put on trial for everything that they have done over the last 50 years to destroy western civilization. When you begin to examine what has happened over the last 50 years of manipulation of facts, the…

  • The collapse of American Values?

    For many years we have been hearing about the decline of our society, if you are interested in history that is a pattern that is worthy of your interest.  We hear words like tolerance and phrases like “cant we all just get along” the reality is that for the most part No we cant all…

  • The tea party is back…

    Well the media pronounced the tea party as Astro Turf, looks like they were once again wrong… That comes as no surprise to millions of Americans who have since 1960 become more intelligent than the media… This is not something that should shock you as you sit in front of your computer, you have an…

  • Democrats have no direction?

    What is going on when in a debate the best that democrats can come up with is to laugh at the most important issues of this election.   That is a huge problem, one that cannot be solved by laughter. Joe Biden did not come prepared to debate he came to insult the American People, he…

  • Olive Garden Anti American Flag?

    Would you support, a business that allegedly hated the American way of life? Is it True, because I feel really bad if it is, Imagine for a moment you have a restaurant, chain that is based in Orlando Fl. Then imagine that for the most part its prime customer base allegedly is Older Americans, aged…

  • Hope and Change? or the end of america?

    Seriously is this the hope and change you wanted? Is this the End of what our fathers fought and died to create for us, A Better America? Are we seeing the destruction of America because of a small percentage of out of control Liberals? Perhaps you may have heard about job killing bills that Washington…