Another Liberal Lie Exposed…

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Remember back a few months ago when the media reported that Guns were being sold to gangs to the south of the US.

Well apparently that story was all it was just a story, (allegedly) the real problem here is the media…

Imagine for a moment that the biggest news story of the day turned out to be a lie told by a liberal over and over again, you might expect to see that news story repeated in the media right?

Apparently the biased, media have chosen to not report on this news story and that should be a serious problem for every advertisers and every consumer that watches these liberal networks.

The news story that is barely being covered is about how allegedly an ATF weapons sting resulted in the bad guys, getting their hands on weapons that ended up in allegedly Mexico and were used against various members of enforcement agencies both north and south of the border.

The idea here was that some gun shop owners were selling guns illegally across the border this was so that the liberals could attempt to shut down these gun shops and there by deprive honest Americans of the ability to own a gun.

Well today as it turns out this news story that was reported by many of the liberal news companies as fact turned out to be a lie, yes a big fat liberal lie designed to miss lead the public into the false idea that Gun shop owners were selling weapons in mass quantity to people across the border.

While the full details remain quiet it is clear that once again the liberal liars have been exposed as what they are liars.

So apparently the ATF, allegedly in a report by Fox news, is at least partially responsible for a lot of guns getting into the wrong hands, so much for the self serving theory that American small Business gun shops were at the bottom of guns going south across the border…

The truth has an amazing way of shedding light upon the small dark crevices where allegedly liberals seek the dark moist places to generate their lies.

The liberal agenda is to allegedly destroy everything that freedom loving Americans enjoy about life, somewhere a liberal exists to attempt to take away that freedom. This most recent attempt has failed, simply because it was a lie, based on no proof yet the media ran with the story without any substantiation, that the news story was true, they allegedly don’t care because they allegedly believe that they can tell as many lies as they wish with never a bad result.

The truth is that all these liberal allegedly biased new media companies all share one thing in common, they must get advertisers to pay for commercials to be shown, without advertisers these allegedly biased media companies would have little in the way of any kind of profit, and without profit they would be left with no electricity to broadcast the news with.

Up until the last 10 years, most people never questioned what they saw on the news, however that has changed since 1999, things are different, the internet is an educational force that has created educated Americans.

Advertisers may soon begin to question this process of biased reporting, that has so plagued the media over the last three years, In so many ways, the idea that the media can make up anything they want and us poor dumb Americans will believe it, the sad truth is that Americans are no where near as stupid as the biased media would like to think that we are.

We can see through the layers of lies now its really not that hard to do, simply because we know that emotional bias is just a surface emotion, and nothing else, the deeper you examine the lies of the liberals, the more insulted you will find your self becoming.

The thing is that until recently advertisers have been immune to the biased news that the hate mongers, (allegedly spew out every day) Now though We have a choice, in products, for every company that produces a certain shampoo, there are three or four others shampoo products just waiting for a new consumer to come along.

Advertisers no longer need the news, they have the internet where they can reach out to a highly targeted audience, however apparently the news media, have not yet realized, that consumers are smarter than they are.