We are just minutes away from more media Bull pucky?

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Imagine this, what will happen when the media begin to tell more of their lies, they will say that its very close, that Romney appears to have lost they will call states for Obama before the full results are in.

They will continue to do this even when Romney appears to have the same lead as states called for Obama.

They will say that it all comes down to one small county in an entire state…

Its really funny because they really

believe their own bull…

They will continue to say its going to be a long long long night.

They will tell you that every state is too close to call for Romney but they will quickly call states for Obama.

Why do they do this?   Why do they lie about the facts when faced with exit polls that do not make any sense, they will continue to use faulty information to justify the way they feel.

But elections are not about feelings,

it is about votes.

No matter what they say the truth is that America is voting, they are voting even now and even if the media lies about everything, the truth will come out, they will have to grudgingly, admit a Romney Win.

It may take them a long time to do that but they will have to eventually do the right thing.

I wonder why they have such a hard time doing that?