Tag: Hard Time

  • The end of Freedom..

    Every where you look these days you can see signs that things are not going very well, change is a difficult thing, but when you go too far with anything you can end up with more problems then you can deal with. President Clinton realized this in his second term and so he worked his…

  • Unions causing wide spread job loss?

    What is going on with these Unions that seem to be oblivious to what is taking place in America? Do they not understand that many economists have forecast the most destructive year in 2013 that anyone has ever seen?  Economically we are facing Armageddon. If you even have a job you should be grateful but…

  • We are just minutes away from more media Bull pucky?

    Imagine this, what will happen when the media begin to tell more of their lies, they will say that its very close, that Romney appears to have lost they will call states for Obama before the full results are in. They will continue to do this even when Romney appears to have the same lead…

  • Clint Eastwood

       Last night an 82 year old man who has worked hard all of his life reminded us of something that we all knew but had some how forgotten. [kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4 size=”50″ color=”#000000″ ]We Own This Country..[/kc_heading_pac_9_headline_sub_4]   Yes I know its a novel concept that apparently at least 20 percent of the population have a…

  • Fox news Liars?

    update, Is Fox news, influencing the market, by pushing certain stories at certain times of day? Should Fox news or any {alleged} news company be allegedly manipulating news stories that can influence the stock market? It is really a serious problem, what you have is allegedly a group of highly paid, individuals who are likely,…

  • Child neglect, Casey Anthony

    Did Casey Anthony play a role in the death of her daughter? Certainly, she did because she was responsible for this child’s welfare. The thing that seems to be so vitally important here is that the media has distorted this case out of proportion, with the help of the Orange, Country Sheriffs office, which has…

  • Arnold, and the end of days movie.

    With the prediction of the end of days, being the result of an elderly man who allegedly is likely senile, much of the media is contending in ways that would seem to be hostile to all Christians, which is sort of disappointing. Really I guess with everything that is going on in the world when…