Threats, thugs, liars and the Biased media

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You know it seems like a bad movie that somehow made it to the screen and you look at what is going on and you have to wonder, is this how all unions are? The answer is of course not, yet the media would have you believe that all unions are evil and that all unions are full of thugs that want to beat you up and ask for “protection money” in the form of a membership fee, sound like a plan? Perhaps, but the thing that seems really interesting is the conflict of interest, (allegedly) The media is allegedly perhaps engaged in a conflict of interest in covering this news story, because they are also allegedly union, so how can we expect to receive the right kind of coverage? How can we know what we see on the TV is really true at all? Consider this most large cities are Union, Most Law enforcement agencies are, what? You got it, Unions. So, how can we expect to even be safe in our own homes any longer? How can we expect to be told the truth about anything when unions control everything about how you live your life from the food you eat, to the laws that get passed, in some way allegedly they have some influence on it. In so many ways, we have to expect that at some point the news media may “wake up” Dear Patriot, The liberal political machine continues to ramp up their hateful rhetoric towards the Tea Party. This time it was union thug, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr., using exactly the kind of rhetoric that President Obama falsely lectured Tea Party activists about during his absurd calls for civility after the tragedy in Tucson. “We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote…Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” These vile attacks were not launched from some obscure blog buried in the depths of the internet. These attacks were launched before Obama himself took the exact same stage to address the exact same crowd. This hypocrisy is not shocking from a President whose extremely limited experience includes being a protégé of Saul Alinsky. If this is a war, then we are fighting it on at least two fronts. We are under attack by a coordinated assault from the left who is throwing everything at us to prevent our ideas from taking a permanent hold. WE ARE GEARING UP FOR A FIGHT WITH THE SUPER COMMITTEE, while at the same time defending the entire Tea Party movement from the vicious attacks by the corrupt with a national ad campaign. As we ramp up for this fight, we must stay on the offensive while protecting our reputation with the American people. This is now a two-front WAR and we need you more than ever. YOU CANNOT LET UP! As we battle for victories on specific legislation that we need you to participate, we also need you to get your friends to participate; we cannot let the advocates of big government reclaim the stage. At the same time we need you to contribute so that we can launch a PR campaign showing the American people that we can expose the lies being spread by a corrupt old media establishment. This is the greatest challenge that our political movement has faced and the Tea Party movement needs you now more than ever. Our hard work is already showing results in the halls of Congress. Hundreds of thousands are using our state-of-the-art petition system to demand a better government, and it is working! When we started pushing for the “Postal Reform Act” it was an unknown piece of legislation. After more than 125,000 letters were sent to Congress, even a Democrat Senator from Delaware had to take to the airwaves to advocate for many of the measures we have been championing. Now word comes that the Post Office is facing an imminent default, and with your help we can pass this sound piece of legislation with bi-partisan support! What scares union thugs like Hoffa is that only the reforms being offered by the Tea Party provide enough fiscal solvency so that we live up to the promises that were made to the rank-and-file union members on their pensions and retirements. This is not partisan, this is sound policy. Our system makes it quick, easy, and free to contact your member of Congress, and you can still participate in this historic victory by demanding your elected representatives support the “Postal Reform Act.” Thank you, Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer