Tag: Jimmy Hoffa Jr

  • Thugs in the White House?

    Do we have thugs in Washington, (probably, not a new story there) but in what seems to be a counter productive statement we seem to have some really nasty things coming from a spokesman of the Unions, is that the way they are? Are all Unions like this? Like the answer to that question is…

  • Threats, thugs, liars and the Biased media

    You know it seems like a bad movie that somehow made it to the screen and you look at what is going on and you have to wonder, is this how all unions are? The answer is of course not, yet the media would have you believe that all unions are evil and that all…

  • Public Health Care

    No one would argue that the health care system needs to be fixed, however so far all attempts at fixing the system has met with failure, rationing is likely the next thing to hit, but is this all accurate, can we really save money? Perhaps, we can, save some money. One place where we can…