Stock Market slide continues

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The Stock Market continues to loose value, leaving some with the odd sense that instability may
be the new order of the day.

Some time ago you may remember that there was a wall street bail out, so where is that money now?

Apparently, we are now in the same boat were would have been only now were broke.

That is a serious judgement issue, simply because like the weather you really cannot prevent a storm from raining on you, in the same way you cannot stimulate fake economic growth, yet, many big name economists said that we had to do the stimulus or it would be really bad.  Well it begins to look like the crisis, crisis, crisis, talks, that was so common two years ago, did no good at all.

Just as the saying goes it rains on the just and the unjust right.

Well on wall street that rain is tears. 

Again, the idea that large corporation have profited for many years, and are moving money over into other markets and jobs as well, seems to be well UN American. Yet they have done it simply because the tax rates are so high in the US that they cannot afford to bring the money back home.  So what could change that, well two things, a Capitol Gains tax for companies that create new jobs, open up new business, build new building employing more people. 

The truth is that unless, there are some serious steps taken by Washington, I.E. (Flat Tax) (Balanced Budget) (Cap Spending)

We will see yet again another frightening day on wall street.

Expect a rally early on, but after about one to two hours, there will likely be yet another slide, where it goes from there is anyone’s guess. Until our congress starts to show some method of developing a serious attitude about solving our debt problems and we figure out a real budget that reflects our new status in this new economy, anything can and likely will happen.