Can any of these candidates actually win?
if the liberal media thinks they can win look for a lot of negative press on them…
If the liberal media thinks they will loose look for positive press on that candidate.
If you trust the media then the answer is no one can win except for Obama?
But are you really that dumb? The media thinks that you are, sitting in your home watching what the bobble heads have to say…
Really, that is how the media wants to play their head games, with their talking heads?
Separate the answer is no they cannot, however these are not the only candidates they just happen to be the ones that the biased liberal media “thinks” cannot win. One thing that many Americans seem to not understand about the modern political process is that it is no longer a fair contest. Back in the days of the past, there was a fairness about the contest, however that is no longer happening, and it is not happening for one reason, the media is no longer a spectator.
They are participating in the process.
When the press began to involve itself in the political process the contest ceased to exist. This is a serious problem in America, where in nations all over the world attempts are made to produce nations in our own image yet, for some the idea that what is often said and what is the truth may not be the same thing. Who can win, with so many names in the hat and so many different opinions, plus the media playing around with the facts as they choose, and not neurally then you have to wonder if a fair election is going to occur outside a law passed in congress to prevent media bias from clouding the results of an election.