A whopping huge, percentage of Americans are not confident in congress, ok so where is the story, Those donkeys in congress are a bunch of rubber stamp, cigar smoking liberals, or are they?
Why would anyone be confident in congress?
Ask your self this question, how many of you have ever met your representative face to face?
Are they really like we are?
I mean they are not normal people, they are not like us, sure they breath air, at least some of them do…
But for the most part they do not fill up the gas tank with gas…
They do not shop for groceries, or they would not say prices have stayed the same…
Now that is the biggest joke of the year, take powered milk for instance, at walmart, ( the lowest price leader )
yesterday they were selling milk for over $5.00 per gallon…
Now tell me is that the same as $2.87 last year?
Say you dont think walmart price gouges?
Check out this, a small box of powered milk, last year, $5 and change This year over 8 dollars and change.
Ok you got that for free, but you know what, anyone with any common sense at all knows that the reason that congress cannot relate or make any decisions in the best interests of this country is that they are rich people.
I tell you what reduce that huge salary, they get and reduce the benefits they get, and let them pump 3 dollar a gallon soon to be 4 and 5 dollar a gallon gas, into their own cars, (not cars paid for by the tax payers) and guess how fast they would be trying to figure out how to increase the number of oil drilling operations.
But you know what this is for those people that are not the brightest nor the sharpest tool in the shed.
Now this is the deal, a Huge, Huge percentage of the American people are not confident, really man your smart…
but for those people that may have a hard time getting the point, I suggest you start reading from the beginning of this article.