Protests, Tshirts and the American Way

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[kc_background_pac_1_heading_12]Congress is Missing
in Action,
Where are our Leaders…[/kc_background_pac_1_heading_12]

The United States is on the brink of financial ruin, the dollar is worth less than it was in 2001, more than 24 Million Americans are unable or unwilling to find a job.

We live in a nation where on average there are more murders in our largest cities, than there are on the battlefield in foreign wars.

We are facing the most difficult social and financial situations this nation has ever faced and the news story below, is what congress thinks is the most important thing.

America are you not proud? 

Where have we found our courage?

Perhaps it is time to begin to Recall Senators, Congressman who will not do their duty as prescribed by the
constitution of these United States of America.

Voters, what were you thinking in when you put people like Harry Reid who has betrayed his own party (allegedly) and the people of the United States.

I find it appalling disgusting and evil what the congress thinks is the way to deal with our problems is to make it a felony to protest after allowing the occupy wall-street movement to do what ever they wanted to do but now they want to make it a felony to wear a T shirt that may offend someone?


The following News story was sent to us by email, we are providing coverage of this news story included below, the source is

I find it not only Amazing that congress is so far gone that they are unable to see what is happening in our own nation because allegedly they are so busy amassing wealth that the rest of us will never have the opportunity to achieve, but they want to oppress and to create a nation of slaves.

Imagine an America in which the government can deny protest in any public space it deems fit. Where wearing a dissenting shirt around an elected official could be construed as a felony. Where First-Amendment protections become privileges subjectively doled out by the state. Sadly, that America is pretty much here.

In March, Congress passed HR 347, a bill that limits Americans’ ability to protest in public and on government grounds. Mainstream media didn’t raise peep, but now there’s finally some anger building. The bill, passed almost unanimously, makes it a federal offense punishable by up to ten years in prison to “knowingly” protest in the vicinity of the Secret Service–that is anywhere the Secret Service “is or will be temporarily visiting.”

It also makes many public events impervious to lawful protest. Any “National Security Special Event” (NSSE) requires Secret Service protection. NSSE-designated events have proliferated since 9/11 to include Super Bowls, concerts, campaign events, and now any public event that Very Important People want protest-free.

Most dangerously, it criminalizes protest. Under the bill, “disorderly or disruptive conduct” or activities that “impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions” could warrant felony charges. What constitutes such “disruptive conduct” rests in the eye of the beholder–or the eye of Eric Holder. To put it plainly: the government can decide where and when free speech is allowed and severely prosecute any “disruptive” activity, while we’re confined to “free speech zones.” We can help fix it, however! Join our petition below to protect our speech rights!

PETITION TO CONGRESS: We treasure our first amendment rights of free speech and public assembly! HR 347 limits valid arenas of peaceful public protest, and broadens the government’s ability to curtail civil liberties. We demand that Congress amend the bill to provide clearer language as to what constitutes “disruptions”; to allow for reasonable, peaceful protest at NSSEs and around Secret Service; and to ensure that no peaceful protest can ever be deemed a felony.