Tag: Mainstream Media

  • Protests, Tshirts and the American Way

    [kc_background_pac_1_heading_12]Congress is Missing in Action, Where are our Leaders…[/kc_background_pac_1_heading_12] The United States is on the brink of financial ruin, the dollar is worth less than it was in 2001, more than 24 Million Americans are unable or unwilling to find a job. We live in a nation where on average there are more murders in…

  • Biased media liars?

    Update, it appears that Fox news, is doing everything they can to influence the public concerning Rick Perry, what is interesting is this why does allegedly Fox news not like Rick Perry? Is there some reason why some of the Fox news bobble heads seem to dislike Rick Perry? It is really interesting, to see…

  • Union Thugs?

    Are they really doing this in the name of a union? Now you should understand that not all unions are this way, ok, there are some out there that have not refused to negociate there are some out there are are fair and they do great work for many people, not just unions members. It…