What is going on in the Popular or Unpopular News media should really be classified as subversive behavior even being a traitor, to the constitution and the People, yet the media with impunity publish or refuse to publish what they want, they do the people a great dis service.
The media make a lot of money by accepting advertising dollars.
But most Americans are so self absorbed that many of them either do not realize just how bad that the media have become or they perhaps just do not care.
Were not sure but one thing seems clear if the media do not start to report the news America as a nation will cease to exist the media will eagerly cover the end but what will happen after that?
Will the media pack up their bags and then move on to another nation?
I really doubt that because they will not be welcome in any other nation.
They will be banned from coming to another nation because of all the pollution they have left behind in the wake of generating only the news they think people need to hear.
It is a sad thing really to watch fools who think they are smart lie to the American people.