Just wondering is this the hope and the change that you voted for in 2008?
It sort of seems lacking to me, I mean, what we heard, and what we god were two very different things.
Change is something that we all want, which is why so many people voted for that hope and that change, however, we were betrayed, simple as that, we were told one thing then given something else entirely, they used to call that bait and switch.
A cheap parlor trick, some might say, (allegedly)
Just received this in an Email, (may not necessarily represent the opinions of the owners of this website)
Dear Patriot,
Something incredible has been happening over the last few days, and it was every loyal member of the Tea Party Movement that made it happen! If you’ve been following the news, you’ve heard nearly every political commentator comment on the fact that Speaker John Boehner was forced to change his original plan twice because he couldn’t muster the 216 votes to get it passed. The general commentary goes like this: “In the past, Speaker Boehner could have given away money for a bridge or a library to buy the votes he needed, but the Tea Party banned earmarks so he doesn’t have that luxury.” Many of these old media dinosaurs speak with disdain when they make this point, as though by stripping the Congress of their currency of corruption (earmarks) is a bad thing; they just don’t get it! You should feel extremely proud of what those of us in the Tea Party have done–we have changed the entire culture inside Congress!
Now, if a politician wants to get the votes to pass legislation, he better be able to win on the merits of that legislation. It’s no longer an option to trade an unprincipled vote to fund some absurd pet project. No more “cornhusker kickbacks” for Ben Nelson in Nebraska; no more “Louisiana purchase” for Mary Landrieu in exchange for the passage of the dangerous Obamacare. This is the first example of how we are going to stop the flow of terrible legislation from Washington.
I’m so proud to have played my small role, and I’m genuinely hopeful that as we continue to grow, “We The People” will be able to preserve the blessings of liberty for our children and grandchildren! The fight over the debt ceiling continues but already we’ve secured important victories by changing the process. This organization will continue to recruit tens of thousands of new patriots each and every week, and we’ll continue to provide the latest and best tools to make all of us more effective activists. TOGETHER, WE WILL WIN!
The most incredible part is we have put all of this infrastructure together without having to sell our souls to anyone. We’re entirely funded by patriots just like you who make an average contribution of less than $60! This truly is a historic day for the direction of country and we remain humbled by your continued support.
Thank you,
Dustin Stockton
Media Director