Virginia rules, now we have rights again, this is headed for the supreme court.
As the sheriff says, Are we fighting our own government, as the sheriff of maricopa county Arizona believes?
Arizona, fights dictator? Will this be the headline in just two months time?
Is america going down…
Liberals are trying to ruin this country, it is time to vote them out of office, it is time for them to step down, if they do not like to live here they need to leave.
Should we throw out the Tenth Amendment, if were smart enough to figure out this, then why cant a federal judge read one thing and understand how easy this really is.
One Judge, throws constitution out the window and now we are all racist if you don’t like it your a racist, what a mess, we have and if you
go back in time to just a few weeks ago you would see who actually started this whole mess, yes, you heard it right.
But really, if this situation had not been hyped by the media, no one would even care about what Arizona did.
It would not even be news.
But now we have the potential for a riot, and the bad thing is this the people are being bussed in from a state that does not even have anyone living there.
That is just plain stupid.
How is this possible I mean what do these people think that they are more than the whole.
It is of the people by the people and for the people, not one judge making a decision for everyone.
Just wait, after tonight, when the first illegal alien murders an American Citizen, that blood will forever be on her hands.
It is something that no one should ever want to have, but this judge made that decision it will be struck down by the supreme court.
Because, of the Tenth amendment to the constitution, this law is legal and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it, it is infuriating that
we have judges that act politically and making a political decision, because this is Constitutional ethics 101.
Do states have the right to enforce Federal law, Yes they do and then some, because it is not a government of the person, but of the people, the framers of the
constitution knew this and that is why they created the tenth amendment, this judge took the easy way out and made the easy decision.
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So, have we come to the point in our nation where we no longer make decisions by the law of the land but now we make decisions based on political will, that is not the way this nation was setup to work it is against everything that our fore fathers sacrificed to create for us and our children, it is against the will of the American people.