Tag: Tenth Amendment

  • illegal immigration

    Recently the Owner of the Phoenix Suns came out against the state of Arizona. What if people started coming to the mall and just took what ever they wanted, is that not a crime, no one would or could be expected to put up with that they would call the police, they would do something…

  • Fast and Furious backfired?

    What should we learn from mistakes we make?   Should Eric Holder be held responsible for the deaths of citizens and border patrol agents that may have been killed because of this issue. More calls for Eric Holder to resign amid allegations that he may have willfully lied to congress. Considering the mountain of evidence…

  • States rights is not just another theory…

    My friends when men would rail and deprive others of freedom they are not good people it is not the hope and it is not the kind of change that people were told they could expect, it is because of this that we must vote those out of office that will not listen or do…

  • Federal judge blocks states rights?

    Virginia rules, now we have rights again, this is headed for the supreme court. As the sheriff says, Are we fighting our own government, as the sheriff of maricopa county Arizona believes? Arizona, fights dictator?  Will this be the headline in just two months time? Is america going down… Liberals are trying to ruin this…

  • Arizona has a legal law

    Looks like the liberals have finally read the bill and they see that it is legal, amazing right who would have thought that a state like Arizona could actually make its own laws? When will the liberals get it? States have rights under the constitution, its called the Tenth Amendment, it is legal, it is…