Tag: Supreme Court

  • Supreme Court Battle

    The next Justice of the Supreme Court could well be decided after the 2016 Election. While most Democrats tend to favor a quick appointment, (allegedly regardless of that persons qualifications) Even Harry Reid, who infamously obstructed votes in the Senate for years, (allegedly never considering a Budget) Seems to think that this should be done…

  • justice scalia

    The Headline for many News outlets this morning is a major situation, what happens now that the most constitutional voice on the supreme court has now passed. Antonin Scalia, Supreme Court justice, dies at 79 source (CNN)U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the leading conservative voice on the high court, has died at the age…

  • Harry Reid RACIST?

    Is Harry Reid a Racist? Is he a bigot? You might wonder after hearing his attack on the Supreme Court. 

  • Reid Anti Christian?

    Is Harry Reid becoming senile or has that happened a long time ago. When you listen to the man talk you have to wonder if he is ok or if anyone in their right mind could go through life like that? Following last week’s Hobby Lobby ruling by the Supreme Court that Hobby Lobby does…

  • IRS issues, Senator Durban, Time to send him home?

    You know from watching the news and by keeping up with politics that the congress is not doing their jobs, we have unconstitutional actions by Senators, no budget in four years, a Supreme court that is out of control with rulings coming form politics instead of the oath of office… It is time to send…

  • supreme court jokers, no one is laughing.

    You have to wonder if perhaps the wearers of the black robes are getting senile, fat, lazy and what ever else you can think about, because this is just stupid.

  • Supreme court rules against the people?

    So now we have a situation where the Supreme Court, the alleged clowns in black robes, have ruled that the people of a state have no right to uphold the constitution of the state or the Constitution of the United States… What is wrong with the highest court why are they trying to legislate from…

  • voting rights struck down ?

    If you believe the media you might think that the headline above would tend to indicate that something bad happened. The truth is far from what the media might want you to believe. Lets have a truthful and UN-biased look at the decision this week by the Supreme Court.  

  • Supreme court, Kangaroo court,

    Imagine you lived in a nation where the highest court in the land no longer ruled from the basis of their oaths.  Supreme Justices or Clowns in black robes…

  • Is the constitution still the American Way?

    We have in our history a clear example of many years of applying the document that has and is still the best guide for America that will ever exist.  But we also have some that would like to break it and trod upon it as an old document that no longer applies to the People,…