Casey Anthony Death Panel

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It seems as if when ever you see this news story on Fox which is practicly all the time these days, something negative is said, by the comentator, (I know they read it from a teleprompter) but why so negative, they use words to describe the defendant like agitated, stoney, steely, but is that really accurate, or are they just playing games with the minds of their viewers.

Dr. Bowden today mentioned something that I was really interested in because there are so many problems, with the evidence.

He said Bad science was allowed to push good science out of the way and that it could create some serious problems for the future.

Are we going to sit back and allow over zealous, allegedly Ambitious, people within the Government of the State of Florida to push

an agenda that may not be fair.


Should this even be a death case at all?

Has the State of Florida wasted the peoples time with trying to put Casey Anthony to death?

The jury may and probably come back with a guilty verdict, based allegedly on an emotional appeal by the DA,
but why is that? 

Why are they so convinced that there was a murder at all?

From what has been presented nothing tell us that this was murder, but rather an accident, badly handled, yes, but intentional, not really, I just dont buy that, the real problem here is with the judge and the state, this entire dog and poney show, is the result of poor police work, muddy water, and even worse forensic work.

Only time will tell the truth if we ever find it out, I will be suprised.