So will we blame everyone for the troubled actions that resulted in a terrible tragedy in Arizona. According to Pima county Sheriff, Dupnik alleges without any proof at all, (strange thing if your in law enforcement) that all manner of people are to blame for the actions of a mentally ill young man whom the Sheriff allegedly had contact with and could have taken some action to stop what happened. What is really puzzling is why dupnik choose to blame everyone but himself.
Guilt allegedly is a powerful thing, perhaps that was part of what drove this man to do what he allegedly has done by going on TV and making accusations against people who did not even live in the same state as the accused. Why not blame the parents, they must have known there was something wrong, why not blame the neighbors, they knew there was something wrong, why not blame the students that went to high school with this young man, or how about the college students and what about his teachers, are they not to blame as well?
It seems so strange that everyone is to blame when the unthinkable happens, when we have people on both sides saying things that are less than appropriate.
If it were true, that what people say is to blame for all the worlds problems then we would surely all be doomed, because every day someone says something that may hurt someone’s feelings, or worse, offend them, but that does not mean that they are to blame for a car accident that claims the life of a young child.
It does not help to blame people, to point the finger of blame is not the solution to the human condition.
We are human and that will never change, nothing can be done, there is no cure, you cannot make a law to cure the human condition.
This is why all the laws in the world will not change what it means to be human, what it means to be responsible for the things we choose to do, from running a red light, to speeding, every day we all make choices that effect the outcome of our lives.
It may be easy to blame someone else for the failure of others, but that will not change the sad events that took place nor will it stop another such event from every occurring again, all we can do is to learn from this failure and try to do a better job in the future, sadly that means that as a race, as a human we may see another tragedy happen again in the future, as bad as that is, as bad it would be, there is nothing that can deter a bad choice, because that person that makes the bad choice is responsible for those decisions.
History tells us that no amount of law, nor even good will can change bad intentions, there are things that can be done, however eventually because we are human, this will happen again, until we find a way to care for everyone in our society and that is just not something that is likely to happen anytime soon laws or no laws, new rules or no rules, the outcome of these sad events are an indication that we need to care more for our human condition, when we see someone with a mental issue, we need to do something even if it is just telling someone in authority that a problem may exist.
In this case, the college, where it was alleged, that he may have had some mental issue that might effect his safety and the safety of others, if that was indeed the case, and it appears likely, action should have been taken, it was not, we now know that a letter to the parents was not enough action, but how much is enough and how much is too much? Just passing numerous laws and then just forgetting it ever happened, will not change the chances of something like this happening in the future, nor will attempting to ban guns stop criminals from doing criminal things.
The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School.
This was before 911, and before schools installed metal detectors yet it did not stop it from happening, again.
We have seen far too much of this kind of thing, yet, of all the things that have been done and all the things that we can do to remain aware of the suffering of those that have mental issues, we must try harder, passing law after law will not help, but being aware of suffering and doing all we can to help that individual can help reduce the likely hood that this would happen again, that is the only true way to really help.
It is when we do not take action, when we see a problem and do nothing, or when we wait until after a tragedy has occurred to try and take action that is when we do more harm than good, caring for our neighbors is the only true way we can help them.
Pointing the finger of blame with the idea of using it to gain political ground is perhaps even worse that the tragic events that occurred this past Saturday, simply because it contributes to the problem, it does not solve the problem, so when I see news reporters, making reckless statements, and commentators blaming everyone but the person who actually did the alleged crime, that enables the next person to do the same thing later, and that is why the name calling and the blame game should stop, how can we expect society to be civilized when the media will not act like they are civilized.
Shame on the media for the way they have behaved, shame on the advertisers for advertising on those networks that have used this to a political advantage.
Caring for those that are sick and hurt, and doing the right thing, which means telling someone in authority and then holding that person accountable for a failure to take action that is one way this could have been prevented, but blaming other people for political gain, is a shame on the profession of journalism.