Was it Bill hemmer, or was it a producer that made Bill Hemmer insult most of Americans veterans and everyone else who ever swore an oath to protect the constitution. Today we heard from the mouth of Bill Hemmer, what you might call bias, or alleged, bias, he said through the whole ordeal of reading the constitution of these United States of America.
Since when has it been an ordeal to read the Constitution?
We demand an apology from Bill for the Millions of Americans that have given their lives for that ordeal of a constitution. It is sad when we have talking heads with little or no real knowledge of the Constitution or how many Americans have sworn allegiance and have given their life’s, blood to protect the rights of all Americans. Every single Government office in Military and in our DHS, all Swear an Oath to the Constitution and to protect it, and America from all Foes, foreign and domestic, looks like we have some foes in congress and the senate. So in reality, it is really a sick person that insults Millions of Americans that have given their lives, so ignorant people can get on national TV and talk about how it is an ordeal to read the constitution, Bill Hemmer you sir are not fit for duty. I am ashamed that fox news has this man on TV at all.
I am sick and tired of these liberal producers at Fox news and how they think they are so clever, with the use of pronouns, it is getting difficult to get any kind of accurate news anywhere.