Tag: Insult

  • homeless hungry used as mules?

       This is a story that you may think is fiction, it may sound like the latest in popular fiction, in fact there are some online that are presenting theories about the evil events in Boston that occurred for the first time in 12 years. There are some that are saying that there were police…

  • NBC Town hall She-bate

    The Town hall question and answer session, which was allegedly mishandled, in a number of ways, brings about a serious problem in the question of what a debate actually is and why do we have situations where moderators support one candidate over another. That is a serious problem of bias it is not a question…

  • Thugs in the White House?

    Do we have thugs in Washington, (probably, not a new story there) but in what seems to be a counter productive statement we seem to have some really nasty things coming from a spokesman of the Unions, is that the way they are? Are all Unions like this? Like the answer to that question is…

  • White House Political Corectness on 911

    Has the White House lost its way in trying to find a way to not offend anyone, by the way has that ever worked for anyone, imagine that playground bully that terrorizes a child for their lunch money, did apologizing and deprecating do any good at all? by the way should a president be apologizing…

  • bill hemmer biased? or are the producers at fox news biased?

    Was it Bill hemmer, or was it a producer that made Bill Hemmer insult most of Americans veterans and everyone else who ever swore an oath to protect the constitution. Today we heard from the mouth of Bill Hemmer, what you might call bias, or alleged, bias, he said through the whole ordeal of reading…

  • Florida injustice

    Why is the State of Florida pursuing the death Penalty when it is allegedly obvious that this is not a death penalty case? When justice goes wrong… The idea that ethics charges are a problem in Florida could allegedly be cause for an investigation. When the Orange county Legal offices, routinely and allegedly over charge…

  • snow job?

    For many the idea that RINO Republicans in name only, still pretend to be for the conservative cause, is just an insult, considering the information we have about these RINOs, is it not time that they call them selves what they truly are? Senator Olympia Snowe is popular among her Democrat friends in the U.S.…

  • machete racist?

    Is the movie Machete a Racist, depiction of the white race? What do you think of an industry that attempts to allegedly start a race riot? Does Hollywood think that we the people are stupid? You have to wonder what they were thinking, do they want to influence the behavior of our national border problem?…

  • Bill oreilly insults Republicians, Sarah Palin and Pot smokers…

    You know what, Ol Bill is just not the same… Lying with wolves, or should that be dancing with wolves, or wait, its a tree, no its a plane no its super man, ok, yes, we all know this is a joke right, but you know it really seems like Bill is no longer a…

  • Poor Bill

    Well as Nancy Pelosi would say, and in fact one did say, (Poor baby, Poor baby) well she was not talking about Bill then but you know what I bet if you asked her, that is what she would say about Bill now. What is going on with Bill Oreilly, because one might begin to…