Tag: Insults

  • Media Liars?

    the following is a guest post and may not be the opinion of the owners of this website or its administrators. Is the media a bunch of filthy stinking liars? (allegedly) You might wonder when you see the way they act on TV, and you might also wonder about the advertisers that choose to advertise…

  • bill hemmer biased? or are the producers at fox news biased?

    Was it Bill hemmer, or was it a producer that made Bill Hemmer insult most of Americans veterans and everyone else who ever swore an oath to protect the constitution. Today we heard from the mouth of Bill Hemmer, what you might call bias, or alleged, bias, he said through the whole ordeal of reading…

  • Time magazine American-phobic?

    Do you like liberals and biased media? Why do they think we are not smart enough to figure out how twisted liberals really are? Do you like being called names? Do you buy this magazine, a publication that openly insults you to your face? Would you? Foolish, Foolish, Foolish when will they ever learn… This…

  • Bill oreilly insults Republicians, Sarah Palin and Pot smokers…

    You know what, Ol Bill is just not the same… Lying with wolves, or should that be dancing with wolves, or wait, its a tree, no its a plane no its super man, ok, yes, we all know this is a joke right, but you know it really seems like Bill is no longer a…