Tag: Liberal Politics

  • Wasteful Spending

    Enough is enough… If you are sick of Liberal Politics then do the right thing join an effort to change America, back to our roots. Why are we funding liberal Arts, that are contrary to our national values?

  • bill hemmer biased? or are the producers at fox news biased?

    Was it Bill hemmer, or was it a producer that made Bill Hemmer insult most of Americans veterans and everyone else who ever swore an oath to protect the constitution. Today we heard from the mouth of Bill Hemmer, what you might call bias, or alleged, bias, he said through the whole ordeal of reading…

  • Bill Hemmer liberal bias?

    Is Bill Hemmer a liberally biased bobble head? Liberal Bias is it reporting or is it political nonsense. Update, again today, on Tue the 26th allegedly Bill Hemmer, showed his true colors by not challenging an obviously flawed commentary made by an alleged spin consultant, but what is the aim of Bill Hemmer, is he…

  • Harry reid says?

    Democrats to blame if the stock market crashes? Today allegedly Harry Reid allegedly went on national TV and said the bus was about to leave the station, We want to know is he going to be on it? Allegedly Harry, is at or very near retirement age, (wait perhaps he should have retired a long…