The truth about the condition of the health care system is becoming a thing that were it known would be very alarming.
Health care truths,
- Younger doctors are not as well trained.
- Physician assistants are even less informed about medicine and treatment procedures.
- RN nurses can be biased and uncaring, along with a lack of updated medical training.
- Experienced doctors are retiring at an alarming rate.
When you add up these things and the fact that in order to obtain real health care you have to search for a doctor that will listen to you and actually examine you, when you go into an emergency room and the doctor does not examine you, there is a serious problem that should be addressed.
I want to tell you a story about a woman that has a tumor that is causing horrible pain.
She has no health insurance and to date has not been able to obtain a medical option that is not influenced by money.
When money matters more than the patient and the patients needs can we say that the Oath the physician takes is now dead?
Do no harm…
When you go to a doctor and that doctor does not listen to you what can you expect to have any confidence in that doctor when money is more important than what happens to the patient.
How can any doctor operate under those circumstances?
The truth is that you almost have to do your own research because these ER docs they just are not well educated at all.