These people have been sworn in and they still refuse to tell the truth. This should concern all Americans.
When you Vote in 2014 and in 2016 Remember this…
Remember that these are the kinds of people that will be running and enforcing health care in this nation?
Is that true or is it just another co-incidence.
source of the following content
IRS: Liars, Thieves, Thugs,
Cowards and Hypocrites
As you can see in the above headline and you can read more about it here.
People are upset and angry about what has happened and they need to be upset but more importantly they need to vote.
[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”108″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Vote..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1]
If you do not vote in 2014, it is your own fault, because this is serious in fact it is probably the most important election we have seen in many years.
What will you do in 2014 will you sit back and just wait for someone else to decide what the truth is?
Imagine what life would be like if no one was ever accountable…
If no one could ever remember what they should have done?
If no one can ever recall anything that comes out of their mouths?
If you watch the TV you can see these people with a straight face tell lie after alleged lie after lie.
They do it thinking that what they will not have to answer for what they say?
It is time to stop this abuse of the American People.
Vote in 2014…