This entire trial is like a three ring circus, with the media daily speculating about all the crazy things you might see in a situation like this and peopel foaming at the mouth that do not know as much as the defense in this case knows about the trial, you have to wonder about the talking heads in the media, what makes them think that they are smart enought to figure any thing out?
So has this judge allowed a proper trial or should he be investigated for alleged ethics violations?
This is getting just crazy, when you listen to the talking heads at Fox news, like Shepard Smith, you hear this guy talking trash at every turn. So, can this girl get a fair trial with a judge that allegedly is biased and should be allegedly recused from this case. unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality
Should the judge be dismissed?
Should fox news talking heads be so opinionated, after all they are talking about life and death here. When you see the news coverage that is laced with biased information, you have to wonder how anyone could have a fair trial in these circumstances. When you see Fox new Headlines like,
(is the Casey Anthony Defense Falling apart?)
You have to ask how is it possible for a defendant to get a fair trial when you have the entire media against you. You see biased statement after biased statement, yet, no real evidence most of this stuff is so flimsy you could read a newspaper through it. How would you like to have to try to defend yourself under these circumstances. The truth here is that the media is biased and the judge could also be biased.