unions or liberals?

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Is it true or is it just a lie?

There are reports on some news companies that unions are behind the protests and the dirty tricks that have been going on in Wisconsin over the last month, but is that accurate, it seems like this would be a risky move for an Official union to be involved in.

Some people are beginning to wonder if this is a news story or if it is a small group of people that represent only a small percentage of the voting public, back in the old days unions worked for the people, not the other way around, things have changed and more changes are sure to occur over time.

The thing is this are unions really picking this issue to be its crowning achievement?

It would seem to be better for the people if a good compromise were to be reached, however the mindset of its our way or the highway has not served the people very well and if it continues there will be a painful awakening some day soon, things are not as they once were, people are no longer ignorant of dirty low down tricks and those that would subvert the constitution.

Hopefully the news companies that are reporting that union thugs are behind this thing in Wisconsin will be found to be just not true and then faith could be restored in the unions, because right now, it does not look good.